Try these simple basketball offensive plays built around the basic pick and roll.
The secret to a high-scoring basketball motion offense lies in teaching players to move without the ball using good cuts and screens.
Until players learn to move effectively and with a purpose when they don't have a ball, youth basketball plays (no matter how good they look on paper) won't be very productive.
To create open scoring opportunities, you've got to have players that can do 3 things:
For young players, simple 2 or 3-man basketball offensive plays like the Give and Go and the Pick and Roll will create all the open shots you need!
These are two of the most basic yet most effective youth basketball plays ever designed, and they are fundamental to learning more complex basketball offenses.
Players at every position ought to learn them because they work all over the court.
For these and other youth basketball plays to work, players must know how to move with a purpose; especially those players who don't have the ball. Two excellent ways to get players open are:
What exactly is a screen?
A screen is also known as a "pick." When you set a screen, you put your body in the path of a teammate's defender to help your teammate get open.
Screens can be set:
To avoid injury from the defender turning and slamming into the screen, the high school basketball rules require the screener to give her a step cushion.
Check out the video below to learn more about setting good picks
Types of Screens
Setting a Screen ON the Ball: Pick and Roll
Setting a Screen OFF the Ball
Basketball Offensive Plays
The floor position of your teammate's defender determines the type of screen you will set.
Basketball Offensive Plays
"Pick and Roll"
The Pick and Roll is one of the oldest plays of all time, and it starts by setting a screen on the ball handler's defender.
When setting the screen:
When using the screen:
Basketball Offensive Plays
Reading the Defense
The ability of the screener and the ball handler to read the defense determines whether the Pick and Roll is effective or not.
If the defensive players switch |
The ball handler should take a couple dribbles past the screen and look for the screener on the roll. |
If the ball handler's defender tries to fight over the screen |
The dribbler should drive hard to the basket off the screener's shoulder for a lay-up or jump shot. |
If the ball handler's defender goes below the screen |
The ball handler should have a nice cushion to pull up for an open shot. |
If the screener's defender leaves too early |
The screener should make a direct cut to the basket for the pass. |
If the screener's defender drops back to allow a fellow defender to slide through |
The screener should pop out to the wing for the open shot. |
If the defenders trap the ball handler |
The dribbler should use a retreat dribble to back out of the trap and create space to pass to the screener. |
Basketball Offensive Plays
Get a wide stance – As you approach the defensive player, jump stop with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart. You want to take up as much room as possible.
Protect yourself – Cross your arms in front of your midsection, both for protection and as a reminder not to reach, grab, or push the defender.
Establish the proper angle – Set the screen perpendicular to the direction you expect your teammate to cut. Your back should be square to the area where the cutter will receive the pass. With this angle, you are able to roll into the Pick and Roll.
Set the screen an arm's length away from the defender
Hold the screen – Stand firm and strong until your teammate has cut off your screen. Be ready for contact. Keep your knees flexed, so you can keep your balance if you get bumped. Once you get set, you can't move.
React to the defender and the cutter – The defender being screened has one of 2 choices, and his response determines your reaction:
Get ready for the ball – After setting the screen, turn toward the ball. Get your hands up and be ready to receive the pass. Basketball offensive plays don't do any good if you're not ready to get the ball when you're open.
Basketball Offensive Plays
Receiving the Screen
When a teammate screens for you, it is your responsibility to drive your defender into the screen.
Wait for the screen – Be patient. It's better to be a second late than to break too early. Give the screener time to get set.
Set up your defender – Use a "V" cut so that you take your defender in a direction opposite the direction you intend to cut.
Cut directly off the screen - Walk your defender into the screen and then cut quickly past it by brushing shoulder to shoulder with the screener so the defender can't squeeze in between the two of you.
Read the defense – Read your defender. The type of cut you make and the direction you break depends on how your defender is playing you.
Be ready for the pass – Get your hands up as you come off the screen.
Basketball Offensive Plays
Cutting Off the Screen
It's the responsibility of the player using the screen to cut off the screen at the right time and move to the right place. You must recognize the floor position of your defender in order to make the most productive cut.
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